Friday, August 05, 2005


The New York Cine Equipment Show YES! I am a Cinephotovideo gearhead geek. I can't wait. I pray that I do not have a gig during this time. Who's coming with??
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My friends from ZGC will be there. That's where I got my nifty little XL2 package.
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The Mini35 would look great on my XL2.
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Course, I'll need a full case of the new Arri/Zeiss Master Primes. T/1.3 and so sweet.
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I want me one a these...
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and one a these.

Damn! I ain't got no dollars. Shit! Oh well. I'm going anyway. I do need parts for some of my broken gear. Maybe I can cut some deals on upgrades...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

More frm Big Boys

WetOhio Nasty girls, NSFW

Truck crashes on landing

Nails the landing of a 277Foot jump

Only Men will think this is funny and know that he's the smartest man in the world.

Rodney Carrington sings.

Mike Hunt's Cousin, Mike Hawk

And Many more...

My Tra-La-La

Thanks to Francis for sending me a link for a funny polar bear vid. While looking around I came upon a vid from Warcraft that uses the Ding, Ding Dong song and is pretty funny.

This is a "porno patch" kind of like the GTA one, but funnier.

Look around, there's other silly stuff.
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