Thursday, March 10, 2005

Follow the bouncing brain

I post a lot of nonsense on friend Bill's blog, Candleblog. Whilest coming up with a witty comment with a Monty Python angle I remembered a sketch where rocket scientists were trying to determine the price of Scanty Panties on the planet Algon. In looking around at websites I had the bad luck of finding this website.

But then I found a page that has the script for entire episode. So that sort of makes up for it.


The look of my blog may change from time to time as I tweak and play with it.
Do not be alarmed, gentle reader.

Name This Blog!

Greg started this site for me and named it, Thank you Greg!

I would like to rename my blog. Mark Sasashara is quite catchy, but I think
I need to turn it up to "11" and go for the gusto!

So I'm officially having a contest to


The winner will receive a ...a free...uhh
It's two a.m. and I can't really think of anything...

Hmmm, the winner will receeeeeive a.. ahh...
Cookie? No. Autographed picture of me? Nooo, dartboard. Pocky?

Oooo! Yes! The winner will get Pocky and various other Japanese bits
and treats. And lot's of it too, a good one or two boxes of Pocky. Wow!

Roommate trouble

Here is a really funny, mean, passive aggressive blog from a guy, I think, or girl in England who hates their flatmate. Read the past posts and some of the comments, they're great.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Walking in the snow in Queens

Hee, hee I'm sooo glad my car lives in a garage.
Some moron just did a 180 and slammed into a couple of parked cars
outside my window. Then they backed up pointed the car the original
way they were going and left the scene of the crime. Schmuck. The day
started off with rain and then turned to snow. So, now there's a nice layer
of ice sheeting the streets. Waiting.

Walking along the street the wind is very strong and the snow is like tiny
little needles blowing in my face and into my eyes. The streets are icy,
but I'm able to walk easily, my boots crunching along. It's not that icy

I was walking back from grocery shopping and as I was crossing the
street, a woman slipped and fell right on her ass.
"Are you alright?", I asked, moving towards her to help.
"I'm alright", she said as she got up. I walked around where she fell and
almost fell down too, luckily I cought myself. I ended up in a sort of down
on one knee position, like I'm joining the huddle, or something.

I told myself not to rush the lights, because some idiot will try and beat
the red light, skid and I'll get runover. I was good. I didn't do it
for all of the intersections I had to cross on my way to the P.O., store
and back. Sure enough, I got impatient at the intersection in front of
my house and ran across the street just before the red light. Sure enough,
some maniac comes tearing around the corner and narrowly misses hitting me,
skidding to a stop a foot or two away from me. We're both idiots. Thanks, God.

Thankfully I lived. It's really windy, I think the gusts are around
25-35 mph. I love winter, dressing for it is the key. I'd love to go
skiing, or boarding. I was wearing polypropelene long johns tonight,
so I was pretty toasty even with the wind gusts.

I can hear the cars every now and then, their bald tires
making a high pitched squeal as they try and get up the hill in front
of my house.

All along the way to the post office, grocery store and back were
dead, blown out umbrellas. I must have seen about a dozen. Some
were just the metal shaft, no ribs. They were in the bushes, in
snowbanks, on the streets, sidewalks. Just dead wilted umbrellas.

King Kong Diaries

March 8, 2005 9:43:35 PM EST

Peter Jackson is working on another remake of King Kong.

Go here for the production diaries in video form, pretty cool and a nice way to see the latest techniques and how things get done.

kong2005 prod. diary

Here's the index page and it has the day 105 production diary. Click on Naomi Watts' pic and the diary will open.

Greg's blog

March 3, 2005 7:23:17 PM EST

I totally forgot that my pal Greg Giordano had started his own blog. He's from my old digs in Burlington, VT- check it out.


TV outlets for film and video

March 1, 2005 10:00:27 PM EST

I got this from this is from a guy, Sonny Boo. Looks pretty good, lots of different people to send you material to. Double check and make sure that the person named is still htere. He said it was two years in the making.

Here's the link at DVInfo


My new favorite song March 1, 2005 7:51:04 PM EST

March 1, 2005 7:51:04 PM EST

This joint is hot in NYC y'all. This one thing that's got me trippin'...

Amerie's 1Thing. I really like this song. There are so many great little hooks: little bits of guitar chunk, her going "bling, bling, bling", in the background, the slowly rising keyboards/strings near the end, the couple of little keyboard samples. The drums are great. I have been pounding on my desk and computer with my drum sticks. It sort of sounds like the little drum fill when I hit the side of the tower chassis.

Amerie website

Click on the link to download 1Thing. When you get to her page the song will be playing when the page opens, the stop button is under the "A"

You can download the whole song for a limited time. Lately I've been listening to a couple of the R&B /Urban stations. Baby, I got more soul than I can control. It's funny, in VT there's only a handful of stations that I listened to. Here in New York there are so many different kinds of stations in all kinds of languages. More, more, that's it. Keep it coming..

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